The New Electronics circulation, which is fully ABC audited every year, is taken from the MA Business Mastersource database. This database has universal coverage of all manufacturing and design sites within the UK and is continuously updated by a specialist data research team.
"New Electronics is a magazine for engineers and engineering management at their business addresses who directly control or influence the electronic design and specification function for electronic components, systems or materials and individuals directly responsible for the purchase of electronic components, systems or materials."
With its high quality content and database of extremely relevant potential customers, New Electronics is THE publication for electronic design engineers and the companies trying to reach them.
Universe of electronics design sites | 6,166 |
Universe of electronics designers | 49,551 |
New Electronics sites | 7,615 |
New Electronics copies (ABC certified Jan - Dec 2010) | 16,000 |
ABC average net circulation Jan - Dec 2010 | 16,399 |
General Management | 5,803 |
Design Management | 10,100 |
Product Design | 11,160 |
Software Design | 6,169 |
Research & Development | 8,534 |
Design Test | 7,077 |
Purchasing | 5,874 |
Systems Integration | 6,890 |
Description: | Universe design sites: | Universe designers: | New Electronics sites: | New Electronics copies: |
Electronics OEM | 1,795 | 12,981 | 1,886 | 4,746 |
Intensive End Users | 2,390 | 15,561 | 3,821 | 7,047 |
Non Manufacturing | 1,981 | 21,009 | 1,908 | 4,207 |
Total | 6,166 | 49,551 | 7,615 | 16,000 |