Communications let downs
1 min read
Not so shocking news came out of Manchester United yesterday morning - the manager, David Moyes, has been sacked.

The rights and wrongs of the decision will be the subject of much debate, but it was the nature of the announcement, by Twitter, that I found slightly disappointing. It was a bit like dumping a girlfriend, or boyfriend, by text.
In the old days, announcements of such magnitude would warrant a press conference, with chance to question those that have made the decision and hold them accountable. Using Twitter is just a way of keeping the corporate head down, keeping the flow of corporate communications going in a single, more comfortable, direction.
Thankfully few electronics companies rely on a 140 character Tweet to communicate their corporate announcements, but the trend for everything to be sent out electronically gets round the nasty business of having to deal with questions coming in.
Pure information distribution suits electronic methods, but there are still times when the personal touch requires face to face communication. Ask #davidmoyes!