Did you experience FOMO last Friday?
We live in a world fuelled by acronyms and the electronics industry - as well as the electronics press - is one of the worst offenders. Look through the pages of <i>New Electronics</i> or on our website and you'll see a veritable 'alphabet soup', ranging from ASIC to ZBD - zero power bistable display, in case you're wondering.

But here's one that's new on me - and it's not electronics related. It's FOMO - fear of missing out - and is said to be the reason for the frenzied scenes at various UK supermarkets on Black Friday and the huge amount of cash that will be spent online today - Cyber Monday.
Black Friday is so called not because it's anything sinister - far from it. In fact it's the day when US retailers go into the black. Cyber Monday is the start of the online Christmas buying frenzy.
Apparently, while there are a few 'loss leaders' on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, most of the 'deals' that are on offer may not be that special. But the FOMO factor makes sure there's plenty of activity, either in stores on online.