Electronics Design Show highlights events are alive and kicking
1 min read
More than 4,000 people attended the Electronics, Embedded and Engineering Design Shows, held last week in Coventry's Ricoh Arena, defying the belief that attending exhibitions is a thing of the past for UK engineers.

Let's look a bit more closely at why the shows succeeded. Today, the Findlay Media database shows there are more people calling themselves product engineers and the like than there are electronic engineers and that's because responsibilities have broadened as companies change.
Take the circulations of New Electronics and sister magazine Eureka, which focuses on engineering design. Once, there was little overlap between the two magazines; today, around 35% of the New Electronics' circulation has also asked to receive Eureka. Because you have to meet strict conditions to get our magazines, this means they must have an engineering design function.
Looking more broadly, our last reader survey found that 80% of electronic engineers who responded spent up to 50% of their time on engineering design. Times change; it is a very different world from the one of 30 years ago, when I started in the electronics industry.
What the Electronics Design Show and its sister events show is that if you put on the right kind of exhibition in the right place, engineers will make the time to attend. If you didn't come this year, we hope to see you at the Ricoh Arena in October 2015.