Factory vulnerabilities laid bare

By this time next year, it is estimated that there will be 1.3million robots operating around the globe. Putting aside the impact this will have on the industries and people involved, researchers from cybersecurity firm Trend Micro have found that most of those robots are vulnerable to being hacked.

The survey -- which covered companies such as ABB, Mitsubishi and Kawasaki – found pronounced levels of vulnerability due to weak network security, the lack of passwords or the use of simple username and password combinations.

The research paper indicates that not only do companies suffer from poor network security but they aren't faring much better when it comes to software protection either; researchers found that it was easy to discover exposed industrial devices online.

Manufacturers need to keep their IoT processes safe because not only will cybercriminals look to steal intellectual property, but from what this report has found, but they could also be more than capable of shutting down a company's manufacturing line.