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Flash in the pan?

1 min read

A war of words is underway between Apple and Adobe about the former's decision not to allow Flash technology on many of its products.

Apple boss Steve Jobs today issued an open letter defending the company's decision, describing the format as 'sub-standard' and unfit for an era of smartphones and touchscreen devices. A few hours later, Kevin Lynch, Adobe's chief technology officer responded in a blog, stating that if the two companies were to work together, it would provide users with a 'terrific experience'. Lynch pointedly added that until then Adobe will be focusing its attentions on getting Flash to work well on gadgets made by Google, RIM, Palm Microsoft and… well, you get the picture – potential Apple rivals. Adobe's announcement that it plans to stop making tools allowing developers to translate Flash code to run on Apple gadgets, will only exacerbate the rift. Flash has moved beyond the realm of online games, animations and online media players – it is significantly used as medium for a great number of advertisers, the revenue from which most websites depend. The ramifications of the stalemate could be far reaching, but as the online 'discussion' between Jobs and Lynch continues, there looks to be little chance of compromise for now. Nevertheless, a day is a long time on the internet, so keep checking the blogs.