Google’s self drive car makes schoolboy error

So one of Google’s autonomous vehicles has had a minor accident. No surprise, really, considering the company’s test programme has seen its driverless cars cover more than 1million miles. The legendary law of averages would suggest nothing less.

But it’s the nature of the accident which is interesting. Apparently, the car pulled out in front of a bus travelling at 15mph, with its software ‘assuming’ the bus would slow to let it out. That can only be filed under ‘schoolboy error’ – any sensible driver should know that such a manoeuvre has only one outcome.

Google has updated the cars’ software, noting ‘from now on, our cars will more deeply understand that buses are less likely to yield than other types of vehicle’.

From my experience of driving in North America, it makes you wonder why Google ever thought that drivers would give way to another car trying to pull out into their lane.