The BBC’s team was set up in 2017 and went on to create VR content for news, comedy, drama and history, but with research suggesting that just
51 million consumer headsets will be in use around the world by 2023 VR remains a niche market.
Have the BBC and Google acted too quickly? Perhaps, when you consider that with the introduction of volumetric video and 5G networks we could start to see VR video content becoming more compelling. Or, perhaps not. Google said it had initially seen a lot of potential in smartphone VR but that there hadn't been the broad consumer or developer adoption it had hoped for.
Virtual reality (VR) systems have promised a bright future for human-computer interaction for many years, but it still looks as if it could be several more years before VR lives up to its hype and completes its journey to that promised land!
Has the commercial roll-out of VR stalled?
1 min read
The news that the BBC has disbanded their team intended to create virtual reality content and that Google is halting sales of its Daydream View headsets, comes at a time when questions are being asked about the long term commercial appeal of VR.