Mobile phones, 25 years on

It's 25 years since the first call was made on the UK's mobile phone network on a phone that was large, heavy and gave 30 minutes of talk time. How things have changed.

The anniversary of the first call was celebrated last week at Cellular 25, held at the Science Museum in London. The presentations, including some by mobile industry pioneers, threw up some interesting statistics. For instance, 94% of the traffic on the UK's mobile phone network is now data or internet access - just 6% is voice calls. Last year, everyone sent, on average, 1213 text messages. More than 5billion texts will be sent and received today. And a typical 21 year old will have spent 10,000 hours talking on their mobile. But problems are looming. Spectrum is becoming a precious resource and, according to one presenter, the Laws of Physics are coming into play. Click here for a video that gives a range of interesting statistics about the changing world of communications.