Running a successful IoT project

1 min read

Having just come back from the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas where the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence and Big Data loomed large it was interesting to see a piece written by Libelium, the Internet of Things and M2M platform provider, detailing with how to invest in IoT technology.

According to the company it’s crucial to set an objective that pursues a clear return on investment, either in terms of cost savings or productivity improvements and your priority must be to generate value for the customer and for the end user.

Stay flexible during all phases of the project adding new objectives and applications during the process and sometimes it better to think small to achieve big transformation.

Do not install sensors everywhere if you do not know what to do with the data afterwards and test the technology on a small scale before and discover the difficulties that may arise later.

Establish a network of partners and share knowledge with all players of the project to achieve a successful outcome.

And finally bet on open-source technology for its flexibility, security, future perspective, ecosystem wealth and more favourable costs.

All good advice!