So many words, so little information

1 min read

It seems the memory industry has taken to making announcements which have little to say beyond the headline.

So many words, so little information

Recently, we saw the Intel/Micron announcement of their jointly developed 3D Xpoint technology. We know it's a memory – apparently, it's a new technology – but we don't know how it works, what products will be available and when. And so on.

Now, according to the business press, memory manufacturer SK Hynix is to invest $26billion in two fabs which will come online 'by 2024'. What the company doesn't say is what the fabs will make.

So you have to ask for whose benefit have the announcements been made? Engineers can't benefit from the 3D Xpoint announcement until they know things like interfacing, memory size and arrangement and, importantly, cost. So was the unveiling aimed at boosting Intel and Micron's stock price?

SK Hynix' announcement may get the equipment companies rubbing their hands in anticipation, but that's as far as it goes.

So many words, so little information ...