It will also enter into what it calls 'sector deals'. In one of these, the Government is to work with the AI sector to make the UK the 'go-to' destination for AI innovation and investment. In another, it will work with the automotive sector to ensure the UK benefits from the transition to ultra-low and zero-emission vehicles by continuing to build the agile, innovative and cost competitive supply chain needed to secure internationally investment.
It has also identified five foundations of productivity - ideas, people, infrastructure, business environment and places.
Tony King-Smith, CEO of the ElecTech Council, said: "It's the most tech friendly thing we've seen. We have to see it as a call for the electronics sector to do something. We can't sit back and wait for an invitation, though; we have to engage with these opportunities now."
Of course, the $64,000 question is whether the UK's electronics sector will respond.