Why aren't you knocking heads together Vince?
1 min read
Yet again, the value of engineering to the UK's economy has been quantified. This time, EngineeringUK's latest report says the shortfall of engineering staff may cost the UK's economy £27billion a year in 2022 and beyond.

The report - EngineeringUK 2015 - claims to bring two 'overriding messages'. Firstly, that Britain is great at engineering. Secondly, the UK's education system has neither the capacity nor the rate of growth needed to meet the forecast demand for skilled engineers by 2022.
But what is to be done? And that, indeed, is the question. For the last few years, EngineeringUK, amongst others, has been pointing to this shortfall and saying the number of people following engineering related subjects at university must increase. And every year, there seems to be little change in the numbers.
The report also points to a weakness in careers advice and guidance; again, something that will come as no surprise to those who have taken an interest in this issue.
The obligatory comment from Vince Cable said: "We're working hard to make sure we have the skills we need in 2022 and beyond, but we need to work with industry to make sure we inspire the engineers of tomorrow, today."
So, Vince, why isn't the Government doing just that and knocking the heads of industry leaders together?