5th ‘Anti Counterfeiting Forum’ seminar
1 min read
27th February 2014, Victoria Street, London SW1H 0ET

This seminar will build on previous years by providing an update of the work being undertaken by various groups to combat the threat of counterfeit parts in the electronics supply chain.
Delegates new to this issue will get a greater insight into the problem and how to access current information and support to reduce the risk to their businesses.
What's included?
The seminar is scheduled to run from 10.00am to 4.00pm with breaks for refreshments and a buffet lunch and will include presentations providing information on:
• Work being undertaken by component manufacturers and distributors to combat counterfeits
• International standards for the electronics industry that have been introduced and that are in the pipeline to enable a common
approach to the problem and the implications of those international standards for the supply chain
• Easily implementable best practice to help reduce the risk of counterfeits infiltrating your business
• How law enforcement and direct action against counterfeiters can help reduce the threat of counterfeits in the supply chain
• Recent major trends in counterfeiting and counterfeit avoidance and an overview of how to access further information, much of it free of charge.
For more information, or to register, click here.