New Technology Days 2010
1 min read
Goepel electronics, vendor of JTAG/Boundary Scan equipment and Automated Inspection systems (AOI/AXI) will run its New Technology Days in the UK in 2010.

This event will take place on the 11th March 2009 in Bristol. The seminar will cove latest developments, applications and outlooks in JTAG/Boundary Scan, Functional Test, optical inspection technologies and automotive test solutions.
During the New Technology Days, Goepel electronics and well known partner companies such as Aster Technologies, Flying Test Systems, Mydata automation or Reflex Technology will do displays, presentations and live workshops. The event is focused on electronics design and production related technologies and will provide valuable information for test engineers, design engineers and production managers.
Interested parties are welcome to register by contacting Goepel electronics' UK representative Karl Miles by email, phone 01223 858298 or at
The New Technology Days are run by experienced application engineers, eager to share their knowledge with the world's test and design community. The event is not primarily planned to present new products; even though Goepel electronic's innovations and general trends have always been a substantial part of the event. In fact users from various fields in the electronics industry give presentations informing their peers about current projects, certain technology benefits and individual experiences. These guest contributions are the event's highlights.