Signal Integrity Info Day

Organised by Ansys Ansoft UK, this event takes place on Wednesday 14 April 2010 at the Apollo Hotel, Basingstoke.

Today's high speed systems achieve multi-gigabit data rates by replacing legacy, shared parallel buses with gigabit-speed point-to-point serial buses. Ensuring signal fidelity at gigabit speeds requires a new generation of design strategies and tools to accurately characterise signal transmission. This Info Day will present Ansoft solutions to help engineers to model, simulate, and validate high-speed channels and complete power delivery systems typical in modern high-performance electronics. Multiple presentations will show how engineers can understand the performance of high-speed electronics precisely simulating jitter, equalisation, EMC/EMI, Switching Noise, impedance profiles, and power delivery loss by using Ansoft tools such as SIwave, DesignerSI, HFSS, and ANSYS Icepak. For more information and to register for the event click Supporting Information below.