Transistors on Plastic

1 min read

PPEKTN will be holding its 5th annual seminar on transistors on plastic in London on March 24th at Bonhill House, London EC2A 4BX.

The seminar will include leading speakers from industry and academia from across Europe to discuss challenges and opportunities for transistors on flexible substrates. Transistors are the decision makers of the silicon electronics industry and will also be the cornerstone of the future plastic electronics industry. Future advanced applications and developments in the plastic electronics industry are dependent upon the realisation of transistors on flexible substrates. Applications based on flexible transistors are becoming commercial in areas such as e-readers and RFID but there remain significant challenges in order to fulfil many other applications. The seminar will examine • Organic & Inorganic semiconductor materials • Transistor operation and testing • Materials processing technologies • Device design • Manufacturing technologies Speakers will include representatives from Bangor University, Cambridge University, Imperial College London, NanoEprint, Petec, Plastic Logic and Surrey University. The delegate cost is £95 + VAT. Please note that there is a delegation limit on the venue and attendance is on a first come basis.