Case study: AI facial recognition used to tackle retail crime

3 mins read

With a reported £4.8bn total UK retail crime losses last year and a 79% repeat offender rate, retailers are looking for more effective and efficient ways to help reduce theft and protect their staff.

Credit: Nelson -

Facewatch is a robust, cloud-based facial recognition security system that is making waves in tackling this issue.

The artificial intelligence system compares images with an existing database to either discard or identify a match with people suspected of theft or antisocial behaviour, sending instant alerts to retail staff when a match occurs in their stores.

With millions of faces passing through retail sites every day, the volume of data required is eye-watering, coupled with the time-critical nature of the system.

To provide instant and highly accurate alerts, Facewatch is heavily reliant both on its AI systems technology, but most importantly, high-end connectivity capabilities to ensure that images can be processed, and timely alerts can be issued to retail staff.

Reliability is crucial to Facewatch’s effectiveness. Alerts need to arrive near instantly to allow the retailers to prevent crimes from happening, rather than dealing with them after they’ve happened which is too late.

Reliable connectivity

Facewatch needed a reliable technology partner that could provide routers to enable the images to be processed at the edge, then shared via the cloud securely. Without connectivity, Facewatch is unable to share the data in real time to help business owners protect their staff and their stores.

From a proposition perspective, many business owners want the technology, but don’t have the time or knowledge levels to ensure the connectivity that Facewatch requires to run effectively.

To that end, Facewatch needed a partner that could manage the end-to-end network, security and connectivity requirements, delivering a full service to enable the Facewatch technology to work effectively and efficiently.

For security reasons, the Facewatch product is unable to run on the individual store’s network, and running fibre lines into stores can be incredibly costly and prohibitive to many retailers.

The solution was to use the widely available public cellular network, but this can come with inconsistencies. Facewatch brought in electronic component distributor Solsta to work in partnership with them, rolling out the Facewatch technology to retail sites across the UK.

An end-to-end service

Solsta provides the connectivity via cellular routers to connect the Facewatch cameras to their cloud securely. However, with potential connectivity challenges or limitations, an important element of Solsta’s support is to provide an end-to-end service, including troubleshooting any connectivity issues and delivering ongoing technical support.

Commenting Simon Gordon, Founder of Facewatch, said, “The technical expertise of Solsta coupled with its partnership approach has enabled Facewatch’s growth and successful installations over the last several years. Solsta can attend sites with our installers to aid in the initial set up when the conditions are particularly challenging. The company’s offering goes far beyond the provision of hardware. Their consultative approach and intelligent systems provide a whole suite of tools that enable customers to make critical decisions.

“Rather than simply providing kit, Solsta not only works to ensure that the hardware is working effectively but has been able to troubleshoot network and connectivity challenges to resolve any peripheral issues that could impact Facewatch’s effectiveness.

“Solsta recognises that it’s a fine-tuning process to help with reliability, on a case-by-case basis as all sites vary hugely. With its Swiss Army Knife approach, Solsta has an extensive tool kit that it works through with customers to get Facewatch up and running, and get any issues resolved before the installation is complete.”

Solsta’s smart roaming technology has been able to help those sites with sub-optimal connectivity to maximise their network performance levels, and their robust cloud management software allows customers to view and manage sites anywhere in the world.

This ability to remotely log in and have a bird’s eye view gives retail businesses greater insight into their stores but also reduces the need, and associated costs, of having to send engineers out across the country to carry out maintenance checks.

A value-add partnership

“Working in partnership with Solsta has enabled Facewatch to grow at its current impressive trajectory and having Solsta onboard means that we can reassure our customers that their connectivity concerns will be addressed and resolved on completion of the install, giving customers peace of mind, as well as a streamlined installation process,” commented Gordon.

Scott Brenton, IoT Technology Director at Solsta, said, “Our value-add approach means that we don’t just simply ship hardware and consider our job done. We are far more hands-on, providing a full solution approach to ensure that both our partners and their customers are happy with the technology, fully understand how it functions and feel empowered by having security within their retail business that can protect their staff and stores.”

Solsta is a technical, franchised electronic component supplier serving the needs of the electronics community