Into the mix
The advantages of using an MSO to debug mcu and/or dsp based mixed signal designs.

Traditionally, design engineers have used oscilloscopes and logic analysers to test and debug mixed signal embedded designs based on microcontrollers (mcus) and/or digital signal processors (dsps). But mixed signal oscilloscopes (MSOs) offer many advantages.
An MSO is a hybrid test instrument that combines the measurement capabilities of a digital storage oscilloscope with some of the measurement capabilities of a logic analyser, allowing you to see multiple time aligned analogue and digital waveforms on the same display.
Whilst MSOs typically lack the advanced digital measurement capabilities of fully fledged logic analysers; their relative simplicity avoids the complex logic analyser use model.
MSOs are used in much the same way as an oscilloscope and, because they are integrated, are easier to use than two box solutions.