Investing in innovation

1 min read

Start ups fish in the same ‘Pond’. By Graham Pitcher.

Back in 2000, industry veteran Peter Claydon and wireless ‘guru’ Dr Doug Pulley joined forces as picoChip to create a solution to a digital signal processing need they had identified. “We had developed the business concept and technology over a period of five or six months,” said Claydon. “We were using our own money and knew from the start that we could not afford to continue for more than a year before securing investment, so it was at this very early stage that we got in touch with Pond Ventures.” According to Pond’s Richard Irving: “The market for dsps is huge – about $8billion a year and growing. But for hard tasks, current architectures have run out of steam. What the dsp market needs is a powerful engine that allows software to be written and then modified easily at a later date. “The big companies generally can’t afford to develop and launch a new architecture: it is too risky and expensive,” he contended, “and takes away resources from existing product lines.” Because of these market pressures, this problem has been addressed primarily by start ups – companies like Chameleon, Morphics, BOPS, Equator, Systolix and Chromatic Research have all taken up the challenge.