Wireless based system is set to provide ‘staycationers’ with their creature comforts

4 mins read

In the current economic climate, the 'staycation' – holidaying in the UK, rather than abroad – is becoming more popular. But holidaymakers want to take advantage of the technologies with which they have become familiar.

This development has provided a new market opportunity and a Towcester based company is aiming to tap into the growing demand for mobile leisure products with a new entertainment system. Entiva Systems' space saving system combines audiovisual, internet and security features into one small box, with wireless connectivity allowing users to watch tv, email, browse the internet, make VoIP calls, chat online, download and store media. The system also supports live video (security) and GPS location. It works across the globe, wherever there is a wireless or mobile phone signal and uses a touchscreen control panel for ease of use. Simon Coe, managing director of Entiva, which has received support from Connect Midlands, is confident that the product launch is perfectly timed as more and more people choose to holiday closer to home and consider caravanning, camping and boating holidays. Coe said: "People crave their creature comforts when they are away and that now includes all manner of technology gadgets and gizmos. Unfortunately, until now, they have had to wrestle with yards of different wires and cables and with space at a premium, the sheer number of boxes has proved a real pain. "Now is the time to launch the product and I am grateful for the support I have received from Connect Midlands – particularly Paul Jenkinson and Giovanni Finocchio. I met them via the Connect Midlands InvoRed programme, where I did the Right Funds For You and Amber workshops. "I am seeking investment to build the business further and their input has been invaluable, especially with regards to the financial side, where they have introduced – and even helped fund the appointment of – our financial director Nick Gretton. In hindsight, I wish we had got involved with Connect sooner." According to Entiva, its technology is 'unique' and the system has been designed not only to provide everything that users on the move might need, but also to offer a solution to the problems they face with space, weight and wiring. The Entiva system has two components: a touchscreen tablet pc controller and a gateway box. The system also requires a tv screen. The tablet pc controls the system by communicating wirelessly with the gateway which, in turn, communicates with the screen. This displays the choice of function such as tv, internet or DVD. Using a wireless connection – either from a local wireless network or from the USB dongle – Entiva allows users to watch live tv, IP tv, surf the internet and use Video on Demand. There is also an Entiva email system, as well as online chat between users and a VoIP function which allows Entiva users to communicate over the internet globally. "We have proven the desire in the market for Entiva," Coe claimed, "and have distributors ready to place orders and customers ready to buy. We are also in an enviable position in that the mobile leisure market is growing" Connect Midlands is a not for profit network backed by the East Midlands Development Agency (emda) and part funded by the European Regional Development Fund. Its programme has been identified by the Department For Business and Regulatory Reform (BERR) as delivering a best practice model for investment readiness and access to finance. The organisation believes Entiva has developed a good quality product and has done plenty of work to become investment ready. It recently won the 'Most Likely To Get Funding' category at the Growth Investment Innovation and Investment event, judged by former Dragons' Den panellist and Red Letter Days founder Rachel Elanugh. Connect Midlands wishes Entiva well with the product launch and with its search for investment. The InvoRed programme has a lot to offer companies like Entiva and it is always keen to hear from companies who have a compelling proposition. Author profile: Paul Jenkinson is regional manager of Connect Midlands. (make a panel of this please) Start up support InvoRed not only aims to make raising money easier, but also to provide technology, science, engineering and similar high growth companies with the tools they need to develop and to then raise investment. The programme is set to be the basis of similar schemes being rolled out across the UK. The Connect InvoRed – investment readiness – programme, which is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund, is run by Connect Midlands on behalf of East Midlands Development Agency (emda, www.emd.org.uk), Advantage West Midlands and Business Link West Midlands. And the scheme has been identified by the Department For Business and Regulatory Reform (BERR) as a best practice model. InvoRed, which has been running in various forms across the Midlands since 2003, is delivered through workshops, assessment panels and one to one coaching. The aim is to teach companies how to create a winning business proposition and how to prepare for that all important investment deal. Key issues addressed are vision and strategy, management team, routes to market and finance. To date, Connect Midlands has worked with more than 1200 companies, and more than 600 of these have presented to investors, raising funding in excess of £135million. Connect Midlands director John Griffiths said: "The Government has been keen to make … public sector business support programmes more efficient and streamlined for some time and this year, all Regional Development Agencies are expected to make use of [the] 30 programmes under the banner of Solutions for Business. "Connect InvoRed was put forward as a model for best practice by emda to assist in the consultation process and was brought into the team to work alongside BERR to help develop the national framework for investment readiness. "A delegation from BERR and its Enterprise Capital Funds team came to see an Amber Workshop in action and liked what it saw. The national framework, built over the last six months, will act as guidance for RDAs from now on." According to Griffiths, there are four levels of support available within the InvoRed programme. "Right Funds for You is the start and helps companies understand finance options, such as grants, debt, angel finance and venture capital. Amber stream workshops and assessment panels are for early stage entrepreneurs seeking their first round of company funding, then Green stream, which is one to one coaching, is for more experienced entrepreneurs or businesses with real growth potential." Typically, he noted, the latter companies have a business model and a management team in place. Experienced coaches and specialists deliver workshops and mentoring throughout the region. Companies developing 'compelling' high quality propositions may then be selected to present at investment raising platforms or be introduced to funds via other networks. "We can also offer some follow on support to help the deal closing process," Griffiths noted. John O'Reilly, business support director at emda, said: "The fact that BERR is adopting the Connect InvoRed model demonstrates how effective it has been in facilitating access to finance for businesses in the East Midlands. In the current climate, where there is so much competition for investment, it is more important than ever that businesses understand how to pitch their propositions to investors. "The programmes have achieved tremendous results for the entrepreneurs involved and I am sure that, by rolling out this programme across the country, many more businesses will obtain the investment they need to develop and market their ideas."