£1.1million secured for free photonics business advice
Engineering academics at Aston University in Birmingham have secured £1.1million of research funding to provide free photonics advice to West Midland's based businesses.

The scheme, jointly funded by Aston University and the European Regional Development Fund, offers opportunities for businesses to access free consultancy from the University's Photonics Research team.
Prof Sergei Turitsyn from Aston's Photonics Research team believes providing business with free consultancy, assistance and/or opportunities for knowledge collaboration will help companies improve their current photonics technologies.
Prof Turitsyn said: "Universities work hard to make themselves accessible and useful to business, and this scheme will provide practical information and innovative ideas for companies to enhance or even replace their existing technologies."
Industry areas identified by Aston's research team as benefiting from photonics advice and business assistance include the aerospace industry, companies using automotive, building or environmental technologies, food and drink companies, ICT, medical technologies, rail and the tourist and leisure industry.