£6.7million funding for Strathclyde research centre

1 min read

The University of Strathclyde has secured major European funding for the construction of its flagship Technology and Innovation Centre.

The contract offer of £6.7million from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) will contribute to funding the construction of the centre, which aims to pursue solutions to today's global challenges and enhance businesses' competitive standing. The 25,000m2 centre will open its doors in 2014 and be sited alongside Scottish Enterprise's new Industry Engagement Building. It is expected to include state of the art specialist and flexible research space, a world class conferencing and event facility and exhibition space. University of Strathclyde principal professor Jim McDonald, said: "The Technology and Innovation Centre will be the fullest realisation to date of our work as a leading international technological university. With our partners in business and industry, we are seeking breakthroughs to deal with energy demands, climate change, global health challenges, a testing economic climate and the need for more energy efficient, more advanced technology."