A technical life form that passes on knowledge and experience?
1 min read
A Dutch researcher has developed a 'technical life form' which he claims can pass on its knowledge and experience to the next generation.

Biologist, Gerard Jagers op Akkerhuis developed the 'operator hierarchy' system for which he will receive a doctorate from Radboud University, Nijmegen.
Jagers came up with a hierarchy that he says is consistent and also includes the classification of inorganic natural matter. He now predicts that further development could lead to a life form in which the transfer of the blueprint, by means of genes, is replaced with the transfer of knowledge and collective experience by so called 'memes'.
In Jagers' view, memes are codes that determine the structure of the brain. In turn, the structure of the brain determines someone's knowledge. In this way, memes are carriers of brain structure and the corresponding knowledge.
According to Jagers, a machine that shows intelligent behaviour, based on a neural network, fulfils the definition of 'life'. If this system can then also pass on its memory to the next generation then this involves a new step in evolution.