Agilent breaks the gigapoint barrier

Agilent has launched a high end oscilloscope which breaks the gigapoint barrier. According to the company, the Infiniium 90000A is the first high performance oscilloscope capable of 1billion acquisition samples.

The ultra deep memory allows the device to capture 25ms long samples at 40Gsample/s on four channels simultaneously. It adds this is six times the capacity of competitive devices. Benefits of the scope are said to include: a revolutionary trigger system, in which an almost infinite combination is available for debug; integrated measurement tools, including high speed serial data analysis; and data analysis at 150MHz, reducing debug time. Six models are available, with speeds ranging from 2.5 to 13GHz, whilst memory options range from 10Mpt to 1Gpt. The company has four target markets: compliance; debug; analysis; and integrity.