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Altium expands range of Microchip components

1 min read

Altium has announced a substantial expansion in the range of Microchip Technology's board level components available through its AltiumLive portal.

The new set of devices includes Microchip's linear, mixed signal and interface analogue components. These add to the range of Microchip devices, including the full catalogue of 8, 16 and 32bit PIC mcus. "Close collaboration between Altium and parts manufacturers like Microchip ensures this next generation of design IP is more than just another CAD library...and this translates to content our customers can trust, and content that makes the process of designing with Altium Designer faster and easier than ever before," said Rowland Washington, Content Development manager for Altium. "We are pleased to be working with Microchip to create this latest set of updates, with more to come in the near future." Bryan Liddiard, marketing vice president of Microchip's Analogue and Interface Product's Division, added: "Working with Altium to ensure that Microchip's components are available via Altium's content delivery system delivers direct benefits to both our company and its customers. The ability to propagate high quality component data and information into a design environment used by our customers helps them bring better designs to market in less time."