Analog reorganises to 'strengthen focus'

Analog Devices has restructured itself, providing expanded responsibilities for Robbie McAdam (pictured) and Vincent Roche – both of whom have strong links with the company's Limerick operation.

The move is said by the company to be part of an organisational change that 'strengthens it focus on delivering world class signal processing products and support'. McAdam will lead the Core Products and Technology group, which focuses on strengthening the company's converter and high performance amplifier business, as well as growing its portfolio of rf, power, MEMS and dsp products. Roche, meanwhile, will head the new Strategic Market Segments group, which focuses on integrating Analog's technology into solutions for automotive, industrial, medical, consumer and communications infrastructure applications. McAdam has been responsible for the company's analogue technology since 1994, while Roche has been vice president of Worldwide Sales since 2002.