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Apple to become second largest oem

1 min read

The success of the iPad and iPhone is expected to make Apple the second largest oem purchaser of semiconductors in 2011, with the possibility it might take the number one slots from Hewlett-Packard in 2012.

According to iSuppli, projected purchases worth $16.2billion will see Apple pass Samsung Electronics and rival Hewlett-Packard's spend of $17.1bn. In 2009, Apple increased its purchases by 13% at a time when most manufacturers were cutting back. This year, Apple's purchases will grow by 54% to $12.4bn. A further 30% increase next year will take its expenditure to more than $16bn. iTunes generated over $1bn in the quarter, up 25% year-on-year. The app store now offers over 225,000 apps, of which the company says over 11,000 are specific to iPad. iSuppli says the iPad is already outselling Apple laptops, even though this quarter produced the highest sales to date of Mac laptops in the company's history (2.5m, up by 41% year-on-year). In terms of revenue, the iPad and related products generated $2.2bn, or 13.8% of Apple's quarterly revenue, which was more than both the iPod ($1.5bn) and desktop computers ($1.3bn).