Bidding process opens for £155m of quantum research funding
1 min read
The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) has opened the bidding process for the £155million allocated to establish a national network of Quantum Technology Hubs.

According to the body, there will be between £10m and £20m per hub, complemented by a £75m fund for capital investment across the network.
At least five areas will be supported: quantum secure communications; quantum metrology; quantum sensors; quantum simulators; and quantum computation.
The funding call is part of the UK government's £270million Quantum Technologies Programme, which is being delivered by EPSRC, the Technology Strategy Board (TSB) and other stakeholders.
Universities and Science Minister David Willetts said: "Quantum technologies are an exciting and emerging field that represent a major opportunity for the UK. This new investment in a national network of quantum technology hubs will transform our capacity, keeping us ahead in the global race. It builds on our strong science base and will help deliver future economic growth."
Each hub will be expected to offer 'visionary leadership', as well as acting as an international centre of excellence. While focusing on the research challenges at hand, hubs will also need to have significant engagement with industry and to actively manage technology translation.
Professor David Delpy, EPSRC's chief executive, added: "I am confident that this call will be met with enthusiasm and imagination. The country now has a major opportunity to harness and exploit the research strengths that exist across the UK academic landscape."