Bus converters deliver 720W from quarter brick package
1 min read
CUI's NQBS family of intermediate bus converters is designed to cut voltage and current stresses, reduce switching turn-on losses by 75% and boost total efficiency by 50% compared to competing solutions.

Optimised to meet the stringent power requirements and efficiency demands in telecom systems and data centres, the 750W modules are housed in a quarter brick package and deliver a power density of 27.2W/cm3, as well as efficiencies in excess of 96%.
Incorporating the company's Solus Power Topology, they are said to deliver a greater power density, higher efficiency, faster transient response and lower EMI in both isolated and non-isolated designs.
Additionally, CUI has incorporated full regulation across the entire 42 to 60Vdc input range and a droop load share feature with 10% current share accuracy for higher power boards.
The 720W NQBS series outputs 12Vdc at 60A in an industry standard DOSA footprint (58.4 x 36.8 x 12.3mm) and provides input to output isolation of 2250Vdc.
Additional features include insulation that meets EN60950 standards, remote on/off control, and an optional heat sink for improved thermal performance.