Centre will support innovation in large area electronics

A new £5.6million centre is being opened by the government to help put the UK at the forefront of a high tech global electronics industry.

The EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Large Area Electronics, announced last week by Universities and Science Minister David Willetts, is aimed at finding new ways to meet the increasing needs of future high end technology consumers and ensuring that UK industry stays competitive in the global market. Imperial College London will be leading the research effort, alongside the University of Cambridge, Swansea University and the University of Manchester. The researchers at the centre aim to develop new, reliable ways to assemble individual electronic components into sophisticated systems and reduce their cost over a 10 year timescale. In particular, they want to develop printing based approaches that generate less waste, require lower power consumption and can be used to produce electronic devices cheaply in high volume with new features, such as flexibility, robustness and light weight.