Companies 'slow to grasp' full potential of plastic electronics says report
1 min read
Despite being on the brink of a new age of plastic electronics, companies are slow to take up the challenge, according to the Advanced Institute of Management Research.

Although the UK is leading the way on global innovations in an industry predicted to be worth $335billion by 2029, AIM's research states that involvement from product designers and market led end users.
Dr Zella King of Henley Business School, says that electronics companies, as well as those in the retail, healthcare, transport and packaging industries, have yet to understand the revolution that is taking place. King said: "They need to realise that this is no longer the domain of electronics companies, it is open to anyone seeking to add value to their existing portfolio by using new technology."
The research suggests that strong business models are needed to channel the UK's expertise in the development of plastic electronics components and businesses. However, it warns that this will only happen where the collaboration between technology companies and research organisations is led by firms that have a vision of how to create customer value from plastic electronics.
The report can be downloaded here.