Digital signature software for embedded systems
Said to be the first digital signature software package designed specifically for embedded systems, Segger's emSecure module provides a selection of functions which allow developers to add a digital signature to a product.

The module, which includes an implementation of the RSA public key cryptosystem, will generate keys, sign messages and verify signatures, based on asymmetric encryption and discrete logarithms. In particular, says the company, emSecure can be used to authenticate firmware if the digital signature includes the microcontroller's unique ID.
Segger adds the package can also be used for secure firmware updates for any kind of embedded device.
The emSecure Digital Signature module is supplied as source code, allowing the generation of private and public keys, generation of probable and provable primes, calculation of secure hashes, encryption and decryption of messages and the creation and verification of digital signatures.
All parts of the package are said to conform to the appropriate FIPS 186-4 specifications issued by NIST.