Integrated N-channel MOSFETs can deliver continuous load currents as high as 20A at output voltages ranging from 0.6 to 5.5V, making it ideal for point-of-load applications such as high current / low voltage DSP / FPGA / ASIC reference designs. Other applications include telecom/datacom systems, distributed power architectures and general high power density systems.
The device’s architecture is said to ease compensation and offer the ability to directly parallel multiple ICs for higher current capability. It also enhances the signal-to-noise ratio of the current sense signal, enabling the use of a low DC resistance power inductor to maximise efficiency in high current applications. This feature is also claimed to reduce the switching jitter commonly found in low DCR applications and improves current limit accuracy.
The LTC7130’s 90ns minimum on-time allows for a high step-down ratio power supply at high frequency operation. The operating frequency is selectable from 250 to 770kHz and can be synchronised to an external clock. Additional features include a high speed differential remote sense amplifier, programmable output current limit, output short-circuit protection with soft recovery, programmable soft-start/tracking, EXTVCC for reduced power dissipation and a fault indicator for output UV/OV conditions.
The LTC7130 is available in a thermally enhanced 6.25mm × 7.5mm × 2.22mm BGA package, with both RoHS lead-free and leaded SnPb finishes and operates across a junction temperature range from -40 to 125°C.