Electronics facility wins further EU funding
1 min read
PETEC, the recently opened printable electronics facility in County Durham, has won a further £2million of EU investment, allowing it to install advanced equipment in the centre's cleanroom.

The PETEC Large Area Coating Equipment (LACE) project will create 40 jobs, assist 20 specialist businesses and provide university training courses in printable photovoltaics and solid state lighting.
"PETEC LACE is enabling SMEs to take the next step forward in the development of new flexible printed circuit applications which will only be viable with this new technology," explained PETEC director Tom Taylor. "We are talking about leading edge high tech products like wearable display devices, portable storage media and design intensive, low energy lighting applications."
"Printable electronics as a group of technologies is predicted to be a $30billion industry by 2015," added One North East Chief Executive Alan Clarke. "The UK is at the forefront of this industry as much of the technology and early leading companies have originated here. The project will boost the role of PETEC and CPI in NETPark, an identified innovation connector in the ERDF 2007-13 Operational Programme."
Centre for Process Innovation chief executive Nigel Perry (left) is pictured with Lord Mandelson, Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform, at the recent opening of PETEC.