Engineering Doctors graduate from ISLI

1 min read

Three of the four students graduating from the Institute for System Level Engineering's SLI Engineering Doctorate programme celebrated their success at a ceremony held at the University of Glasgow.

Sonia Paluchowski Caldwell, pictured left, Timothy Harris and Nazish Aslam (right) received their doctorates personally, while Waqar Nabi was unable to attend. All four EngD graduates – who can now style themselves 'Dr' – completed research projects that met real business needs and made recognisable contributions to the performance of their sponsoring companies. The EngD, examined in the same way as a PhD, provides students with research skills and hands on business experience by placing student 'research engineers' with sponsoring companies for four years. The EngD in System Level Integration now has 25 graduates. Aslam is soon to take up a design engineer post with ARM, while Caldwell is currently a research assistant at the University of Glasgow. Aslam said: "It's been quite an intense programme, but I have thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience and feel that I have come out with a lot of valuable experience and broad knowledge, especially seeing firsthand the roller coaster ride that is being part of a high tech startup." Harris, who is working as a design engineer with his sponsor AmberFin, noted: "The iSLI and EngD programme provided an excellent environment for doing industrial research. I benefited from the programme with significant combined industrial and academic experience. If I took away only one thing, it would be the insights into how business sees technology and research."