Fabric40 backplane supports 40Gbit/s transmission

Curtiss-Wright Controls Defense Solutions has announced what it says is the first 40Gbit/s Gen3 OpenVPX backplane. The Hybricon Gen3 OpenVPX 6U six slot backplane is designed for end to end transmission of high speed data in demanding applications.

The backplane, which supports full speed, bottleneck free distribution of data over 40Gbit/s Ethernet or Infiniband fabrics, is said to enable the design of embedded subsystems capable of delivering previously unobtainable levels of performance in demanding defense and aerospace applications, including the real time detection and identification of signals of interest. "Our Hybricon Fabric40 backplane is the highest speed VPX backplane ever introduced," said Lynn Bamford, general manager of Curtiss-Wright Controls Defense Solutions "Together with the other members of our groundbreaking Fabric40 family of subsystem products, it defines a new 'sweetspot' for COTS performance for C4ISR and HPEC applications." The backplane is part of the company's recently launched Fabric40 system, which offers a range of elements needed to create high performance embedded computing systems.