First silicon carbide foundry opens in UK

A new £2.5million silicon carbide manufacturing foundry has been opened in the UK.

The facility, opened by global firm Raytheon with funding from the Technology Strategy Board, is to be located in the heart of Fife. "What was previously unachievable is now possible with silicon carbide," noted Raytheon's chief executive Bob Delorge, "as it allows for smaller and lighter electronics to operate in harsh environments, and addresses a real customer need for significant energy efficiency savings in the manufacture of power switching and rectifying components. As well as employing industry leading engineers and scientists for the manufacturing facility, Raytheon has made a commitment to recruit new engineering talent. Delorge continued: "We are supporting PhD students and undergraduates, and we are giving apprentices and young graduates the opportunity to develop their careers in this new and exciting arena of next generation semiconductor technology."