Freescale Semiconductor announces winners of video competition
1 min read
Freescale Semiconductor has announced the grand prize winner of its Sense the World video contest. The winning entry, titled '3D Hand Tracking', was submitted by Victor Adrian Prisacariu and Ian Reid from Oxford. The video depicts 3d rigid hand tracking for augmented reality applications, using a Freescale ZSTAR3 development tool and a web camera.
Freescale said they received a number of creative and outstanding submissions over the course of the six week contest. The entries were narrowed down to eight finalists by Freescale's Xtrinsic sensor experts, who based their decisions on the creativity and originality of the videos in addition to how uniquely participants incorporated the Freescale and Xtrinsic Sensing Solutions artwork.
Once the finalists were determined, the top eight videos were presented for open public voting via Freescale's Facebook page (Shall I put in a hyper link here? – yes please!). The public was able to 'like' their favourite videos, as well as comment on the content. The grand prize winner and runners up were determined by the total number of 'likes. Along with the grand prize winner, who is set to receive $10,000, two runners have been awarded prizes of $3,000 and $2,000.