GT patents low cost, scalable graphene process

1 min read

Graphene Technologies has made what it describes as a 'significant milestone' in its bid to manufacture high quality graphene at industrial scale and pricing.

According to the Silicon Valley funded company, it has discovered and developed a new process in which carbon dioxide is used as the primary feedstock for graphene production. The process exploits the highly exothermic reaction between certain alkaline earth materials, including magnesium, and carbon bearing gases, including carbon dioxide, to generate graphine. Unlike other processes, this method doesn't require relatively rare, highly crystalline graphite feedstock and, claims Jon Myers, GT co founder and ceo, has the potential to be produce high quality graphene at industrial volume and cost. "The ability to make advanced materials through a combination of widely available minerals with a greenhouse gas is a significant achievement," he said. "Our scientists have produced the highest quality single and multiple layer graphine available, while demonstrating the potential for achieving the lowest production cost possible for this material." Myers believes the emerging graphene industry will benefit greatly from GT's technology. "At present," he continued, "there are no accepted product specifications or manufacturing standards for graphene. We will help to define these and will work with partners on materials integration into a wide range of products in order to catalyse the broad commercial use of this important new material." The attributes of graphene include superior thermal and electrical conductivity and extremely high strength. GT has now had the first of a series of patent applications on its technology published.