Implantable electronic devices soften inside the body
1 min read
Researchers from The University of Texas at Dallas and the University of Tokyo have created electronic devices that not only become soft when implanted inside the body, but which can also 'grip' 3D objects, such as large tissues, nerves and blood vessels.

Jonathan Reeder, a graduate student at UT Dallas, said: "Scientists and physicians have been trying to put electronics in the body for a while now, but one of the problems is that the stiffness of common electronics is not compatible with biological tissue. "You need the device to be stiff at room temperature so the surgeon can implant the device, but soft and flexible enough to wrap around 3D objects so the body can behave exactly as it would without the device."
Shape memory polymers developed by UT's Dr Walter Voit are key to enabling the technology. In addition to polymers that become less rigid when implanted, the devices feature thin, flexible electronic foils. "We used a new technique in our field to essentially laminate and cure the shape memory polymers on top of the transistors," said Dr Voit. "In our device design, we are getting closer to the size and stiffness of precision biologic structures, but have a long way to go to match nature's complexity, function and organisation."
"Flexible electronics today are deposited on plastic that retains the same shape and stiffness," said Reeder. "Our research demonstrates that we can engineer a device to change shape in a more biologically compatible way."