‘Industry’s smallest’ mlcc
AVX claims to have produced the industry's smallest multilayer ceramic capacitor (mlcc). As part of the 0101 series, the miniature mlcc has been designed with well established technologies to precisely control the material and process, increasing vital board space in PA modules, front end modules, IC packaging and mobile phones. According to AVX, the 0101 series contributes 45% area reduction and 30% volume reduction compared to the 0201 series.

"The new range of mlccs allow designers to shrink board space without sacrificing performance," said Kazushige Takamori, product manager at AVX. "In addition, designers can take advantage of the intrinsic benefits of ceramics, such as better dc bias voltage characteristics."
The devices provide nominal capacitance ratings of 1 to 22pF and a rated voltage of 16V in NPO, with an operating temperature range of -55 to 125ºC.