International Robotics Showcase - 50 free tickets for NE readers

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The International Robotics Showcase – organised by the EPSRC UK-RAS Network – will take place at the Royal Geographical Society in London on Thursday 27th June 2019, 9.00am – 4.30pm. New Electronics, together with Imperial College London, is offering the first 50 readers to respond to this news story free tickets.

Tickets will cost £155, so to claim your free ticket email:

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The International Robotics Showcase has become the centrepiece of the UK Robotics Week. Now in its fourth year, this event features an array of the latest robotic technologies, live demonstrations, plus the winners of this year’s Surgical and Manufacturing Robotics Challenges. The full-day conference programme will include talks by world-renowned technologists and experts, spanning:

  • Nuclear robotics
  • Offshore robotics
  • Future AI and robotics for space
  • Buried Infrastructure Inspection
  • Multi-vehicle coordination

This year’s keynote talk will be “The Deepest Dive”, delivered by Anthony Geffen – the multi-award-winning documentary film maker and pioneer in multi-platform storytelling whose collaborators have included Professor Stephen Hawking and Sir David Attenborough. Anthony will share how robotics technology has assisted humans to reach to the deepest place in the ocean – the Mariana Trench in the Pacific.

In his keynote address, Antony will share with attendees the filming challenges of exploring the deep ocean with a pioneering submersible during the ground-breaking Five Deeps expedition. The team developed new camera systems that could be mounted on the submersible and operate at up to 10,000m below sea level, working with robotic landers with camera systems and allowing them to film Victor Vescovo’s record-breaking dive – descending nearly 11km/7 miles to the deepest place recorded in the ocean.The team also had to design new rigs that could go inside the submersible and capture every moment of the dives. Once the Five Deeps expedition is complete later this year, the submersible will be offered to science institutions so that researchers can continue to use it and push the boundaries of deep-sea exploration.

Additional attractions of the 2019 UK Robotics Week International Robotics Showcase will include an award ceremony for the winners of this year’s AR-driven School Robot Competition, plus presentations for the winners of the Surgical Robot Challenge and the Manufacturing Robot Challenge. A brand-new whitepaper entitled “Ethical Issues for Robotics and Autonomous Systems” will also be launched at the event.

Tickets are: £155

Student ticket rate: £95

For more information, please visit:

Full speaker programme: