Kodak takes on iPhone and Blackberry in patent infringement case

1 min read

Kodak has submitted lawsuits against Apple and Canadian handset manufacturer Research In Motion, claiming that its patents have been infringed in the manufacture of the iPhone and Blackberry.

The dispute is based on a system for displaying previews of images that have been taken with a digital camera, which Kodak claims to have patented. An additional case against Apple involves the interaction between a camera and the software on a computer. Kodak is seeking compensation rather than attempting to block sales of the handsets, but has not yet announced the value it is seeking. Laura Quatela, chief intellectual property officer at Eastman Kodak, said: "We have invested hundreds of millions of dollars creating our industry leading portfolio. We've had discussions for years with both companies in an attempt to resolve this issue amicably and we have not been able to reach a satisfactory agreement. In light of that, we are taking this action to ensure that we protect the interests of our shareholders and the existing licencees of our technology, an we are merely seeking compensation for the use of our technology in their products."