Low power debugging technology marks ‘significant advance’ says IAR

1 min read

IAR Systems has announced a technology it says enables software developers to reduce power consumption in embedded systems.

The new functionality in IAR Embedded Workbench works by coupling power consumption directly to the application software, and is designed to enable developers to analyse power consumption and correlate it with program execution. According to IAR, using this approach, developers can tune and optimise the application's power profile. Stefan Skarin, ceo of IAR, said: "We have seen a growing interest among our customers for a means to reduce power consumption. Announcing the new functionality is the first step in our strategy to introduce innovations for low-power embedded software development by leveraging on our world class core technology in IAR Embedded Workbench. We are committed to pioneering low-power debugging and I believe that most of our customers will benefit from the new technology and the new functionality in our products." IAR plans to include the new technology in Embedded Workbench later in 2010.