Major handset license deal for Nujira

1 min read

Nujira has announced that it has licensed its Coolteq.L handset technology to a Tier 1 semiconductor vendor in the handset ecosystem.

Coolteq is an envelope tracking based technology designed to increase the power efficiency of transmitters in cellular handsets, network infrastructure, digital broadcasts and military communications. Under the agreement, the vendor will integrate Nujira's Coolteq.L technology into production solutions addressing 3G, 3.5G and 4G technologies such as lte. The name of the vendor and the value of the agreement were not disclosed, but Nujira did state that the terms include 'multi-million dollar' license fees and per-unit royalties. A top five handset OEM has already signed a purchase agreement for the Coolteq.L development platform, and the company is in talks with other major OEMs and component manufacturers. "This agreement with one of the market leaders in the mobile handset arena will see Nujira's technology integrated into hundreds of millions of mobile handsets," said Tim Haynes (pictured), ceo, Nujira. "As mobile internet data rates increase, power amplifier efficiency is becoming a dominant factor in the power consumption of smartphones and usb modems. Coolteq.L is the only power optimisation technology which delivers the high bandwidths needed for 3.5G and 4G."