Martin Kent appointed Nu Horizons’ president and ceo
Nu Horizons has appointed Martin Kent as its president and chief executive officer. Kent takes over from Nu Horizons' founder Arthur Nadata, who becomes non executive chairman. Nadata said: "We are delighted to bring someone of Martin's experience and ability on as ceo to lead Nu Horizons. We believe that his prior industry experience … will be invaluable in running Nu Horizons."

Kent was previously ceo of the Abacus Group, stepping down upon its acquisition in October 2008 by Avnet. "I am excited to have the opportunity to take on the position of ceo of Nu Horizons," said Kent. "I believe we can continue to build on the strong foundations and carry on developing a business that offers an excellent service to its customers, strong support for its suppliers and a level of profitability that allows investment for the future and generates a positive return on investment for its shareholders."