Maxim announces 'industry's smallest' two channel adc

Maxim Integrated Products has introduced what it claims to be the industry's smallest 2channel adc. The 12bit MAX11645 I2C adc includes an internal reference in a 1.9 x 2.2mm wafer level package.
According to Maxim, a 4 x 3 bump array with 0.5mm pitch enables layout on four layer pcbs, while a 0.64mm height makes it suitable for designs laying components out on both sides of the pcb.

The device minimises adc both external component count and total size, requiring a 0.1microfarad ceramic bypass capacitor on the supply voltage input. Power dissipation is18microwatts at 1ms conversion times and it is suitable for applications such as energy harvesting sensors, portable consumer electronics and point of load monitoring (voltage, current, and temperature) in networking and computer systems. According to Maxim, the MAX11645's sample rates up to 94ksps are 28 times faster than the nearest competitor in a comparable size. It operates from a single 2.7 to 3.6V supply and includes a 2.048V internal reference.