Molex moves to industry focus

Molex has completed a global reorganisation that moved the company from a regional focus to an industry focus. Global sales and marketing president Graham Brock said the restructure was in response to market changes. “Customers are moving more quickly, making decisions faster and it was becoming increasingly difficult to service them when they had operations in more than one region.”

As evidence, Brock cited Molex’ sales figures. “Five years ago, 35% of our business involved more than two regions. Today, that figure is 70%.” Previously, Molex’ four regions – Americas, Europe, Far East North and Far East South – operated almost as if they were separate companies. The reorganisation sees Molex addressing four main markets: consumer; datacomms; automotive; and mobile. A separate team has also been set up to focus on the top six global EMS companies. Brock concluded: “We have to have a strong supply of new products and a cost effective manufacturing base. Above all, we must be easy to do business with.”