Next gen smartphone camera control ASIC taped out

1 min read

Cambridge Mechatronics (CML) and Swindon Silicon Systems have announced the tape out of a new, next generation ASIC, designed to provide superior auto focus in smartphones and other miniature cameras.

According to CML's ceo Simon Calder, the XC104 will further enhance the competitiveness of lens assemblies which use Shape Memory Alloy actuators manufactured under license from CML. He claims the device is half the size and cost of its predecessor and offers higher performance and more features. "As well as driving the continued improvement in performance of 8.5mm smartphone cameras, the XC104 will help take SMA auto focus into a wider range of handsets," said Calder. "We are now working with multiple manufacturers who are developing auto focus actuators for the smaller 6.5mm cameras used in mainstream mobile handsets." Swindon was responsible for the design of the linear circuits used in the XC104, as well as the device's verification, implementation, manufacturing, test, quality assurance and customer order fulfilment. CML had responsibility for the ASICs architecture and specification, digital design, firmware development, system verification and customer technical support.